9/26/19; Week 2: Response to "Is the Great American Teacher Dead?"

"A good teacher makes it look easy." 

Have you ever wondered how some teachers seem to make things look like they run smooth in the classroom as they teach? Think about your old teachers or professors. In many classes, it seems like second nature after listening to how the teacher teaches. I have had many personal experiences with my elementary and high school teachers being like this. In addition, one of my college classes at BYUI helped me feel the same way. I had the most amazing teacher. She was excellent in providing her procedures and while she taught, she made it look EASY. I was always so impressed. Every time I left her class, I had something to take away and apply throughout my life. 

My point is; teachers who are meaningful when they teach make it look easy. A quote about being a meaningful teacher comes from a BYUI professor by the name of Brother Ivers. He says, "One of the threads emerging from the above studies seems to be a considerable lack of depth and a concomitantly severe lack of inspiration." ("Is the Great American Teacher Dead?") In order to be a meaningful teacher, it takes compassion, planning, and a contagious desire to learn what is being taught! By desire I mean, teachers can make things a little bit more meaningful in the classroom. This can be done by helping students stay engaged with the topics that they are learning. By compassion, I suggest that teachers need to help other students and show compassion to their needs. And finally, when talking about planning, teachers need to take the time to plan detailed lessons that involve the adaptations that each class needs.

One of my favorite points that Brother Iver's mentions is: "Enthusiasm and zest for the topic". I find this very important in everyday teaching. By showing enthusiasm for the lessons this will help students also stay enthusiastic. It can change the whole environment of the classroom. As a PE instructor, I have learned that by staying upbeat and happy about each activity, the students tend to participate more.

I hope you enjoyed the post! Comment what you would like down below.


  1. I so agree. It's the attitude that the teacher brings to class that makes the learning worthwhile, meaningful, and lasting. I have attended many classes that when I left the classroom I felt like I learned nothing. As William Butler Yeats said, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

  2. Rebekah, a teacher's enthusiasm makes all the difference. What do you do to prevent teacher burnout and keep the enthusiasm going?

    1. I completely agree Jan. That is a great question. I think some ways to prevent teacher burnout is to always go through the reasons why you chose to start teaching from the beginning. The students can also feel when the teacher is less enthusiastic. They sense things that may not seem to be noticable to other people. In order to prevent that burnout, focus on the authenticity in why you chose to become a teacher!!

  3. I really like your blog, and your thoughts! I agree that a friendly environment helps students feel safe and motivated to learn.



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