Communication is KEY ill tell ya

November 20, 2018

Okay for this week's blog post, I just wanted to start out by saying that for having any healthy relationship, we need to realize that communication is key. I have seen the positives of having good communication and the negatives in relationships without as much communication. But why is communication so important? Well it allows us to express ourselves. Have you ever been with someone who just listens so well and you feel that you can express anything to them in that moment? That is a good sign of communication. The way we do anything is a form of communicating. But when it comes to our feelings sometimes this can become a sticky situation. I want to talk about how we can communicate to solve an issue within the family. 

Today in our class discussion, we talked about the way we can communicate in order to solve a problem. I like solving problems. I am willing and open to discuss what is the problem and how we can go about discussing. There is nothing worse than having that feeling in your heart of just anger and wanting to be able to talk about it but the other person may not want to. This is why communicating is so important. By getting to understand the other person's viewpoints, we can come to know what it was that someone may have said or why the other person got offended. This little model that my professor showed us in class might help you learn how to go about communication issues. I LOVE IT. 

Its called: 

The 5 Secrets of Effective Communication

1. Disarming Technique: this is defined as the moment of the problem. Whatever just happened try to figure out what it was that caused it. It's almost like figuring out the purpose of what was said by whom. 

2. Thought Empathy: to repeat what they just said back and go through thoughts of the logic behind things. This also goes along with Feeling Empathy: trying to understand what he/she might have been feeling. 

3. Gentle Inquiry: This is when the confrontation starts to take place. Notice how it says "gently" This should be a very sensitive conversation so that other problems don't start up. 

4. Explaining your feelings in this way: When_______ I feel_______ I felt_______ because_________ I would like________

And number 5. Authentic respect and admiration: I feel like this is a very important part within the communication process. It gives some closure on the problem and helps one another know that things are going to keep moving forward. 

DONT FORGET number 6. EAT SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE haha. Eat something yummy or make something good to eat. Your tummy will thank you after your mind has been through alot of work it needs that energy. :) 

These steps will help in any communication problem that you might be going through. I think that it is very applicable. Communicating can be a hard thing, but if we know how to do it and understand the importance of it, it can be easy. NOt everyone is the same person so we all have different ways of communicating. It is mainly trying to put yourself aside and figuring out what it is that the other person needs. 

One way that my family uses to communicate is we have a group text message since we all live away from each other. But this helps us to keep in touch and know how the other person is doing. But it isn't enough to keep the relations going strong. That is why we have family meetings or family councils at times. Where we either call each other or the next time we are all together as a family we discuss the things we need to better. I remember as a little girl having these meetings as a family. My dad was very good at putting this together. I feel that it is so important as humans that we are able to discuss openly our feelings. IT IS SO GOOD! I just got a little excited there haha because I have seen it in my life many times. And to end on that note I just want you all to think about this question: 

How can YOU make communication a little better in your life with those you love? 


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