Parenting.. Is it easy?

December 8,  2018

This is a topic that I could talk about for a long time honestly. I love learning about why parenting can be difficult and what makes it easier. I also like the thought that one day I will have kids. I will have to understand how to parent them! This class that I am taking right now, has been helping me understand the why and the what of parenting. I find it so interesting actually! 

For my blog post this week I wanted to address the purpose of parenting and what are the outcomes of it. We discussed in my class that parenting has a purpose. The purpose of parenting is to PROTECT and PREPARE children to survive and thrive in the world we live in. I really like that purpose because I feel that parents should make it a goal to be able to help their children in that way.
I believe that children should feel in the home being lifted up to accomplish the dreams they want to. The words "survive" and "thrive" have powerful meanings to them. Yes parents do teach the basics of how to survive and how to be okay without having them around all the time, but I feel like if the parents teach about how to have confidence to reach for the stars this is also a good thing for the children. They will feel full of confidence! They will want to change the world. I LOVE that thought. 


Basically parenting is what I described in the paragraph above, but I would add one more thing. Love. When parents do things and instruct out of love it makes all the difference. All children need is loving parents who care for their future. Studies have shown that these types of children with high amounts of love in the home are more successful and willing to change the world. They are well taken care of with a solid family support. 


This question has a lot of meaning to it. So I want you to think about it (if you're a parent) why do you parent your children? It's your choice, so why do you do it?

You might say well, I want my kids to be able to live and grow on their own. I'm teaching them what they need to know so they can apply it in the future. This is true! I also believe that we have within us a desire to nuture and to have children. We are programmed to teach them and help them to grow.


*learning to problem solve
*opening the brain
*joy and happiness
*get to offer the gospel
*doing the will of God and becoming an eternal family
*parents learning from their kids 

There are many benefits of parenting as you can see in this list we made in my class discussion. I know that parenting plays a big role in the plan that our Heavenly Father has for us. Everyone should understand why parenting can be difficult too. There can be many consequences for the parents and children depending on the parenting process. Isn't that crazy? 

I want to conclude this post with a quote that was said in class and I know you guys  will like it. It has to do with parents giving children what they need. Sometimes all a child needs is a sense of belonging and love. By acquiring a parenting style this will help you to show that for the children. This quote by Elder John Grober says:

"you can never get enough of what you don’t need, because what you don’t need won’t satisfy you.”

I love that quote and I feel like we can apply it in our lives in so many ways. What we don't need won't satisfy us. We really should focus on the things we need and not what we want in that moment. 


If there is anything that you get out of this blog post just understand your purpose a little more about parenting. Plus I think parents are pretty cool so shout out to my amazing parents who have taught me to be me and love life everyday :) 


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