Week 4 Blog Post


What Does Marriage Look Like For You?

It has been quite a while since I have posted anything that I am learning in my classes at BYUI. I want to share with you some important takeaways that I have gained since studying the book titled Successful Marriages and Families. 

As I continue with this course, each week you will see a blog post from me about this book and the things I feel can apply to us all in relation to marriage. I am speaking to anybody who is looking for the right one and who might be married for more than 50 years!! We can all learn something new right? I can promise you, this information is a valuable and good use of your time to read about.

In the first chapter of this book that I mentioned above, it introduces that many young adults see marriage as being a pathway to becoming an adult. I can say that I agree with this statement and in a way, I might have a different view about marriage. I think what many young adults struggle with about marriage is two things: "I never want to get married" and "Am I ever going to get married, I want to so bad!" I have to laugh because I found myself saying both of these things before I got married. 

To continue about Chapter 1 of Successful Marriages and Families, it mentions the increase of age when young adults get married. This is due to the fact that they are worried about divorce or if the person is the perfect one to marry. In my opinion, don't worry about finding that perfect one, but do keep your expectations high. If you want someone with certain things, don't settle for someone that doesn't have them even if it takes long. But my last piece of advice is to not worry about divorce, God loves you and will make sure you are treated well. If you do get divorced, or you are reading this and you have been, know that your Heavenly Father loves you and is aware of you. As long as you are doing the right thing, things will fall into place for you in this life and the next. 

That's all for this week friends! 

See you next time. 


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