Week 10 Blog Post

The Warm, Happy Marriage: Cold, Hard Facts to Consider 

Chapter 7

After reading this chapter, I was very intrigued by the different facts to consider in marriage. Now, if you are currently newly married, I want you to remember what I am going to write about today. I hope that it can make a positive influence on your life today and forever. 

Many researchers throughout the times have studied married couples and opinions of being married. They have come to see conclusions that are negative and positive things about the concept of marriage. One being "but passé, unrealistic, and downright stifling." (p. 70). Others defending marriage as being one of the greatest things in this life. I find this so interesting how many different opinions can occur. It means that people often find marriage as a difficult thing and a waste of their time. Then, they end up practicing cohabitation, which studies have shown doesn't mean the couple will always stay together. 

However, there are MANY benefits to marriage such as happiness, children, and many more!! Can you think of the great benefits you have from being married. I can say I have a best friend who I love and spend all day with. I consider that one HUGE benefit. 

The last thing I want to mention is the "cold hard facts to consider" part. Yes, marriage is fun and great but, there will be difficult things about being married. This is where teamwork comes into play with your partner. If I could leave you people with one piece of advice for those of you who aren't married yet, it would be to find someone who will work as a team with you. 

That's all for this week!! 


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