
Showing posts from October, 2020

Week 7 Blog Post

Equal Partnership Between Men and Women in Families Chapter 4 I really enjoyed reading this chapter and felt the need to discuss a few main points that can be applied to those of you who are recently married and who are wanting to learn more about marriage.  When you think about the word equality, what do you think it means? Too many people might think that equality is the same as identity or in other words that two things which are equal to each other must be identical. However, this is not the case.  I really like to think of the song Glorious by David Archuleta and tie this into the point I am trying to make about equality. In his song he says,  "It's like a symphony,  just keep listening,  pretty soon you'll start,  to figure out your part,"  I really like this form of words because it helps me to understand that nobody is going to be exactly alike, but we are all equal. We all are here for the same opportunities. We all have the ability to choose....

Week 5 Blog Post

The ABC's in Marriage and Dating Chapter 2 In this chapter of the book titled Successful Marriages and Families, it was eye-opening to read about the ABC's that help with your marriage and dating life. I found it very intriguing and loved reading this chapter. I am going to tell YOU about the ABC's and then you will be able to apply what you've learned to your life as will I. It started with a man named George Levinger in 1983 who proposed the "five-phase development of heterosexual romantic relationships" (p. 16). He called them this:  A. Awareness or Acquaintance with another person B. Build-up of the relationship C. Continuation following Commitment to a longterm relationship (which may result to marriage) D.  Deterioration or Decline in the interdependence of the couple; E. Ending of the relationship I have been in several relationships and reading about the steps of each relationship here has really helped me to understand why each relationship h...

Week 4 Blog Post

  What Does Marriage Look Like For You? It has been quite a while since I have posted anything that I am learning in my classes at BYUI. I want to share with you some important takeaways that I have gained since studying the book titled Successful Marriages and Families.  As I continue with this course, each week you will see a blog post from me about this book and the things I feel can apply to us all in relation to marriage. I am speaking to anybody who is looking for the right one and who might be married for more than 50 years!! We can all learn something new right? I can promise you, this information is a valuable and good use of your time to read about. In the first chapter of this book that I mentioned above, it introduces that many young adults see marriage as being a pathway to becoming an adult. I can say that I agree with this statement and in a way, I might have a different view about marriage. I think what many young adults struggle with about marriage is two thin...