Listening for the Spirit

 Listening for the Spirit

"We are reassured by the word of the Lord that “he that preacheth [by the Spirit] and he that receiveth [by the Spirit], understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together” (D&C 50:22)." President Gordon B. Hinckley, "Listen by the Power of the Holy Spirit" October 1996 General Conference

"I invite you to listen, listen if you will by the power of the Spirit, to the speakers who will address you today and tomorrow as well as this evening. If you will do so, I do not hesitate to promise that you will be uplifted, your resolution to do what is right will be stronger, you will find solutions to your problems and your needs, and you will be led to thank the Lord for what you have heard." President Gordon B. Hinckley, "Listen by the Power of the Holy Spirit" October 1996 General Conference

"My message today focuses on the importance of the Holy Ghost in our lives. Our Father in Heaven knew that in mortality we would face challenges, tribulation, and turmoil; He knew we would wrestle with questions, disappointments, temptations, and weaknesses. To give us mortal strength and divine guidance, He provided the Holy Spirit, another name for the Holy Ghost." Elder Ronald A. Rasband, "Let the Holy Spirit Guide" April 2017 General Conference

"We must be confident in our first promptings. Sometimes we rationalize; we wonder if we are feeling a spiritual impression or if it is just our own thoughts. When we begin to second-guess, even third-guess, our feelings—and we all have—we are dismissing the Spirit; we are questioning divine counsel. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that if you will listen to the first promptings, you will get it right nine times out of ten. Now a caution: don’t expect fireworks because you responded to the Holy Ghost. Remember, you are about the work of the still, small voice." Elder Ronald A. Rasband, "Let the Holy Spirit Guide" April 2017 General Conference

"The Holy Ghost is manifested to men and women on the earth both as the power and as the gift of the Holy Ghost. The power can come upon a person before baptism; it is the convincing witness that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. Through the power of the Holy Ghost, sincere investigators can acquire a conviction of the truthfulness of the Savior’s gospel, of the Book of Mormon, of the reality of the Restoration, and of the prophetic calling of Joseph Smith." Elder David A. Bednar, "Receive the Holy Ghost" October 2010 General Conference

"Do we likewise remember to pray earnestly and consistently for that which we should most desire, even the Holy Ghost? Or do we become distracted by the cares of the world and the routine of daily living and take for granted or even neglect this most valuable of all gifts? Receiving the Holy Ghost starts with our sincere and constant desire for His companionship in our lives." Elder David A. Bednar, "Receive the Holy Ghost" October 2010 General Conference

"I have continued to ask myself, “How does the Holy Ghost help you?”—a question especially relevant for Primary children turning eight and preparing for baptism and for those children who have recently been baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is also relevant for the thousands of recent converts." Elder Stevenson, "How Does the Holy Ghost Help You?" April 2017 General Conference

"The Holy Ghost also testifies and bears witness of the Father and the Son and of all truth.9 The Lord, speaking to His disciples, said, “But when the Comforter has come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, … he shall testify of me.” Elder Stevenson, "How Does the Holy Ghost Help You?" April 2017 General Conference

"My purpose today is to increase your desire and your determination to claim the gift promised to each of us after we were baptized. During our confirmation, we heard these words: “Receive the Holy Ghost.”1 From that moment, our lives changed forever." Elder Henry B. Eyring, "The Holy Ghost as Your Companion",  General Conference October 2015

"So, for many reasons, we need the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. We desire it, yet we know from experience that it is not easy to maintain. We each think, say, and do things in our daily lives that can offend the Spirit. The Lord taught us that the Holy Ghost will be our constant companion when our hearts are full of charity and when virtue garnishes our thoughts unceasingly" Elder Henry B. Eyring, "The Holy Ghost as Your Companion", General Conference October 2015

Position Statement

The blessing that we have in this life to receive the Holy Ghost when we are baptized is something we should use each and every day of our lives. It is important that we are worthy to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. As we do so, we are able to enjoy the guidance of our Heavenly Father and this allows us to choose the right and be happy. When we do not listen to the Holy Spirit, we can be lead down the wrong way. We can become miserable, and that is what Satan wants. As we strive to be worthy and keep the commandments we can have the Spirit as a tool against Satan's temptations. I know that listening to the Spirit is one way we will be happy in this life. It can be hard to live in such an evil world, but we can still have the light of our Savior by listening to the Spirit.


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