Humility and Compassion
Humility and Compassion
"It is important to understand the magnitude of Christ’s humility, righteousness, character, and intelligence, as exemplified in the scriptures. It is foolish to underestimate the necessity of continuously striving for these Christlike qualities and attributes on a day-by-day basis, particularly humility." Elder Quentin L. Cook, "The Eternal Everyday" October 2017 General Conference
"The goal of honoring the Lord and submitting ourselves to His will26 is not as valued in today’s society as it has been in the past. Some Christian leaders of other faiths believe we are living in a post-Christian world.27For generations, the religious-based virtue of humility and the civic virtues of modesty and understatement have been the predominant standard.In today’s world, there is an increased emphasis on pride, self-aggrandizement, and so-called “authenticity,” which sometimes leads to a lack of true humility. Some suggest the moral values for happiness today include “be real, be strong, be productive—and most important, don’t rely on other people … because your fate is … in your own hands.” Elder Quentin L. Cook, "The Eternal Everyday" October 2017 General Conference
“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Brethren, we must put aside our pride, see beyond our vanity, and in humility ask, “Lord, is it I?” Elder Utchdorf, "Lord, Is It I?" October 2014 General Conference
“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.” Elder Ucthdorf, "Lord, Is It I?" October 2014 General Conference
"There are principles that will help us to “have compassion, making a difference.” These principles are encompassed in Luke, chapter 15, where Jesus used three parables to give us examples of the importance He placed on finding those who are lost and rendering “compassion, making a difference." Elder Robert D. Hales, "Some Have Compassion, Making a Difference" April 1987 General Conference
"If we want the Lord and others to forgive our faults, we must be forgiving of others. Those who “come back” must not be judgmental, but must remember that none of us is perfect either. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, how can we develop a caring environment in our homes and meetinghouses that will give comfort to those who want to come back, knowing they will be welcomed and loved upon their return?" Elder Robert D. Hales, "Some Have Compassion, Making a Difference" April 1987 General Conference
"I am deeply impressed by the way our Church members extend themselves to others. As we hear of your selfless sacrifice and overwhelming compassion, our hearts swell with gratitude and happiness. You are a shining light to the world, and you are known for your goodness and compassion all around the globe." Elder Utchdorf, "You Are My Hands" April 2010, General Conference
"I hope that we welcome and love all of God’s children, including those who might dress, look, speak, or just do things differently. It is not good to make others feel as though they are deficient. Let us lift those around us. Let us extend a welcoming hand. Let us bestow upon our brothers and sisters in the Church a special measure of humanity, compassion, and charity so that they feel, at long last, they have finally found a home." Elder Utchdorf, "You Are My Hands" April 2010, General Conference
"He then, with tears in his eyes and with a faltering voice, declared, “This community, and all the churches and citizens in it, have been galvanized together. In our grief we have become strong. In our spirit we have become united.”We concluded that the best word to describe what had taken place was compassion." President Thomas S. Monson, "Compassion", April 2001 General Conference
"Jesus provided us many examples of compassionate concern. The crippled man at the pool of Bethesda; the woman taken in adultery; the woman at Jacob’s well; the daughter of Jairus; Lazarus, brother of Mary and Martha—each represented a casualty on the Jericho road. Each needed help." President Thomas S. Monson, "Compassion", April 2001 General Conference
Position Statement
As I was putting together these quotes, I was trying to remember how compassionate and humble our Savior was on this Earth. He is still compassionate and humble as we seek his love. He is never going to leave us and I am grateful for that. I know that if I did not have a testimony of that, it would be a lonely world for me. I know that as we continue to share compassion for others around us, we are becoming like the Savior. When we are humble and meek to the things we need to be better at, we are also becoming like our Savior. This is what life is all about really, I want to continue striving to be a better person in those areas.
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